
Written by Zoe Knight

Deep down, a lot of us think that being lean will make us happy.  When we look in the mirror we think that losing the extra belly fat, and firming up those buns and thighs will solve all the problems that we seemingly have.  We also seem to think that it’s fairly easy to get a 6 pack and a tight behind – just tidy up the diet a little, train a few times a week, and you’ll be there in no time.  Unfortunately, that’s not often the case.

Lean issue 1: What lost you your first 20 pounds, won’t lose you your last

When you embark on a health and fitness journey, getting moving and tweaking your diet will go a long way to changing your physique. However, the leaner you get, the more your physiology changes and the more detailed you need to become with your fat loss plan.  Especially with your diet and lifestyle.  Stress management, nutrient timing, supplementation, and exercise all need to become very specific.  This is why it’s important that you work with someone who knows what adjustments to make as your physiology changes throughout your journey.

Lean issue 2: The misconception that being leans means you are healthy

Don’t get me wrong, losing excess fat goes a long way to improving health makers and your quality of life, but if the wrong process is used to get lean, then getting lean can cause more damage than good!

Lean issue 3: What’s underneath that layer of fat you’re peeling off?

Have you spent the time building a nice finished product?  In other words – have you weight trained to build muscle mass.  Being lean is one thing, but looking good whilst being lean is another!  This takes smart programming and a good bit of knowledge to achieve.  Hence the importance of a knowledgeable coach.

Lean issue 4: What are you prepared to do to get there?

As with everything, there are pro’s and con’s.  To add something to your life usually means you have to take something away.  This could mean time in front of the telly, an extra half an hour sleep in the morning, a lunch break, your nightly wine, or your weekend binges on junk food.  Before you embark on a program, ask yourself what you’re prepared to do.

And be honest with yourself.  There will be things that you just won’t want to give up in your life, like pancakes with your children every Sunday.  And that’s ok!  Just understand how those things will impact on your progress, and find a balance that works for you.