
Do you know the saying: You can’t out train a bad diet? It turns out the same is true for bad sleep!

A 2018 study published in the journal found people who had 1 hour less of sleep 5 nights a week lost less fat than those with a full night’s rest 7 days a week.

Even catch up on rest did not make up for the sleep deprivation effect from the week!

What this means is a full night’s sleep 7 nights a week is imperative when you are trying to lose fat and gain or keep muscle.

At OBF Gyms our personal trainers know sleep is a vital part of our everyday lives and to achieve fitness goals!

This is why we teach our clients how to incorporate healthy sleeping habits.

Make the best rest a priority with the best personal training studio in Toronto!

Print this Hygiene checklist to improve your sleep and reach your goals!

Get physical

  • Be active during the day aiming for 30 minutes of physical activity
  • Avoid exercising too close to bedtime
  • Chose an activity you love

Have a snack

  • Chose foods high in tryptophan like cheese, turkey, or peanut butter and pair them with a carbohydrate like an apple or toast
  • Avoid high sugar foods or heavy meals before bed

Create a comfortable sleep environment

  • Block out light
  • Get the room temperature just right
  • Minimize noise

Use the bedroom for one of two things

  • Sleep
  • Sex


  • Take a bath
  • Meditate
  • Journal

Set a bedtime routine

  • Take a warm bath
  • Meditate or pray
  • Brush your teeth
  • Sit on the toilet to pee before bed

Wake up at the same time everyday

  • Waking at the same time in the morning will ensure you are tired at the same time every night
  • If you have difficulty waking up use natural light or an artificial light with 10,000lux to reset your internal clock

Sleep only when sleepy

  • If you get into bed and feel wide awake, get up and do something relaxing for 20 minutes rather than lying awake in bed. Return to bed when you are sleepy

Keep a journal beside your bed

  • Put down your thoughts and to-do list before bed
  • Use the journal if you wake up through the night and find it difficult to fall back to sleep due to worry or recurring thoughts

Avoid caffeine and nicotine

  • Caffeine and nicotine are stimulants. Avoid them in the afternoon and evening

Avoid alcohol

  • Alcohol is a depressant and helps you feel sleepy, but contributes to poor quality sleep apnea

Turn off your phone, tablet, computer and television

  • Bright blue light from technology delays melatonin production and sleep onset
  • If you suffer from temptation to look at text messages or social media through the night, turn off your tech and leave it outside of the bedroom

Skip the nap

  • If you have trouble falling asleep it might be because you caught up on your time rest in the afternoon. Avoid naps to reset your sleep cycle

Use a Sleeping Diary to chart your progress

  • Tracking your habits and making small changes over time will lead to success. Track your progress to stay motivated


Sleep. 2018 May 1;41(5). doi: 10.1093/sleep/zsy027