Written by Zoe Knight
There is an excellent concept created by Dr. Libby Weaver that we at OBF feel every modern-day woman should know about. It’s the concept of ‘Rushing Woman Syndrome’ and you need to know how it’s more than likely affecting you. Rushing Woman Syndrome evolved from Dr. Libby’s long-time observation of a shift in women’s health, behavior and the overwhelmingly common pattern of the rush females are in to be all things to all people. It is this increase in duty and independence that results in a barrage of health and hormone challenges that are dragging a lot of females down.
Compared to as recently as one or two generations ago, females have a lot more on their plates than they used to, and more often than not, they have a lot more on their plates than they should be able to handle. “Not that long ago in human history women were given the opportunity to do what had traditionally been their father’s jobs while maintaining what was traditionally their mother’s responsibilities”.
So with the push of gender equality, not only did we maintain our then-current roles of keeping house and raising the family, we also added to the workload a career path, together with financial responsibilities and social expectations. The bar has been set high for us females and we all aim to over-shoot it in one way or another.
A modern woman can be many different things. She can be in full-time study, be a full-time mother, be in full-time work or be a full-time woman of leisure. She could be any given combination of these things because women simply have more options and avenues now more than ever before, to be able to follow individual desires. The options and the combinations are almost endless for what a female is able to achieve in this era. Unfortunately, the repercussions of this are huge.
Rushing Woman’s Syndrome describes what is scientifically known as Sympathetic Nervous System Dominance. Stress impacts the chemistry of your body and the more we pile onto our plate, the more stress we are likely to impose. The more stress we impose on ourselves, the more our chemistry is affected, and not in a good way.
Because of this, it’s so important for women to not only find a balance in life but to find health balance in life. It is vital that the biochemistry that is required to keep us functioning is in balance, and the only way that can happen is if we put ourselves first. Implement stress management techniques, provide yourself with all the nutrients your body needs, and find some time for things that YOU enjoy. Put yourself first and I can assure you, all those around will benefit.
Link to Dr. Libby Weavers Talk on Rushing Woman Syndrome:
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