Written by Tony Risling WHAT’S MORE IMPORTANT? Calories or Macros? The answer isn’t as simple as one over the other but more so looking at the big picture. The one macro that is truly paramount is protein. Regardless of the goal, achieving the body’s...
Written by The OBF Team Zinc is a synergistic mineral that helps the body organize minerals and their functions with regard to metabolism. As far as we know, currently, it’s reported that is involved in over 88 chemical reactions within the body. It as well as...
We all love Energy Balls but often they have way too many calories in Recipe. Energy Ball Recipe We all love Energy Balls but often they have way too many calories in Recipe Check out our energy balls that don’t bust your macros and they are packed with...
Fish Oil Benefits The benefits of Fish Oil are well studied, vast, and incredibly varied. So vast and varied in fact, that it is a supplement that can be, and should be, taken by everyone. Not only does it help with general health, it also helps with any and all...
Importance of Magnesium as a Supplement To do X, your body may need substance Y. Substance Y may only be derived from substance Z. But to turn substance Z into substance Y, you will need certain vitamins and minerals. For example, say you need a certain amount of...
Is your Thyroid working for or against you? It’s a mind-boggling thought that our body functions in ways we don’t even know about. We tend to take eating, breathing, sleeping, pooping and hormonal function like your thyroid for granted. We don’t give much of a thought...