I bet you can’t guess this one!
Do you know what the number one most important thing is when it comes to your results in and out of the gym? We can’t say this enough!

Having FAITH in the process

What can happen when you give your all to a purpose for 6 months? It takes THREE key components to transform here:
1. Her belief in the program and in her self
– This leads to more intense training sessions.
2. More priority towards her meal prep and actually taking the time to ask questions and get the answers she needs to make the right decisions with her health.
3. She committed to herself and to OBF to push forward and reach her goals. And when someone commits 100%, so do we.

Amazing things can happen when you TRULY commit! We all know that she looked fine in the first photo, but just like most of you awesome ladies, she’s not looking to be fine, she wants to live to the fullest, including seeing what she’s physically capable of.