What could be inhibiting you from fat loss? Sleep Or rather – a lack of it – is a grossly underestimated factor in the fat loss stakes. Everybody drones on about how important it is to burn calories with training, debates HIIT versus steady state cardio, recites...
A general rule of thumb we follow at OBF for optimal hydration is 0.7oz of water per pound of bodyweight, each day. If you’re exercising intensely, add 1-1.5L on top of that during your workout. Signs of dehydration Signs of dehydration range all the way from the...
In the fast-paced world of training and nutrition, hypertrophy and fat loss, and even just general health and happiness, everyone is looking for the next quick fix. It could be in terms of diet – Do you need to slash carbs? Start fasting in the mornings? Cut out...