Does one or more of the following scenarios sound familiar to you? You have no energy to train. You can train hard, but need several days to recover. You train regularly, but you’re getting absolutely nowhere with your goals. Your thyroid may be an issue! Signs of low...
How Much Protein Do You REALLY Need in a Single Meal to Build Muscle? Broscience has told us the optimal amount of protein in a meal to build muscle is 20-25 grams. After that, it adds to fat gain instead of muscle gain. But is that true? The problem with the...
Protein (PRO)! Getting strong and lean involves two main ingredients: working out and eating well. But, the number one thing you should be eating more of if you want to maximize your results is protein. A recent study of compared low protein (0.9g/kg/day) and...
OBFs 5 Pillars of Nutrition Here is 5 pillars of nutrition: 1. Managing inflammation Removing certain foods that are likely food intolerances. Gluten, Soy, Dairy and Processed Sugars. We do recommend a food sensitivity test to make things easier (IgG and MRT/Leap...
Breakfast? Intermittent Fasting or Skipping Breakfast? We’ve all heard: “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day!” “If you skip breakfast you’ll slow your metabolism!” While it’s true that skipping breakfast isn’t good for you, it’s not for the reason you...
Are you EATING enough healthy fats in YOUR diet? You’ve probably heard a lot of this misinformation about fats. “Replace your saturated fats with heart healthy unsaturated fats like vegetable oils.” “Soybean oil instead of coconut oil as it lowers...