Have you noticed how much time you are spending commuting, desk-bound or sitting on the sofa drinking wine? Maybe you’ve noticed your parents aging and thought you would like to age differently. Perhaps you’ve noticed yourself aging and have started to think about the...
True or False: It’s not safe to exercise in pregnancy. True or False: It’s not safe to start exercising in pregnancy if you never exercised before. True or False: Pregnant women should only take part in low-intensity exercise. New research says False Most...
Everyone’s selling secret elixirs magic pills, essential oils and medical treatments nowadays. And they all tend to claim to make you feel younger, improve your health and live longer! How can you sift through these claims and determine what’s real? What...
Every trainee in the begining struggles with this… Choosing the correct load, or how much weight to use on a lift. The answer without thinking too much? Use a weight that you can complete the number of reps in the program with PROPER form! Here’s...
The mental health of one in four people with depressive symptoms can benefit from resistance exercise training. About 10% of people experience depression at some time in their life. It is not a sign of personal weakness. Depression is caused by biochemical changes in...
There are many different forms of best exercise. Golfing. Jazzercise. Cycling. Jogging. Sprinting. Prowler pushing, Tire flipping. High-intensity interval training (HITT). With so many options for the best exercise intensity – which one is going to do the most...