Written by The OBF Team Zinc is a synergistic mineral that helps the body organize minerals and their functions with regard to metabolism. As far as we know, currently, it’s reported that is involved in over 88 chemical reactions within the body. It as well as...
It’s April. Spring is here in the great white north (Toronto). 20’C predicted within days. Like kids at Christmas, wishing for the toys of choice. Most female trainees entertain thoughts of short shorts and lean legs by the May 24 weekend. This is where...
We all love Energy Balls but often they have way too many calories in Recipe. Energy Ball Recipe We all love Energy Balls but often they have way too many calories in Recipe Check out our energy balls that don’t bust your macros and they are packed with...
Time Use: Are You Productive or Just Busy? Because Yes! There is a big difference between the two. Treading water takes time and effort, but at the end of the task, you are left with your head only just above water and in the same position you were in when you...
Fish Oil Benefits The benefits of Fish Oil are well studied, vast, and incredibly varied. So vast and varied in fact, that it is a supplement that can be, and should be, taken by everyone. Not only does it help with general health, it also helps with any and all...
Last week we covered 5 things you could unintentionally be doing that make fat loss attempts harder than they need to be. This week we will look at 5 more. You’re not eating enough Following on from lasts week first point, you need to eat to lose weight. It almost...
A lot of people are unhappy with their body image. For the majority of them, they feel losing some excess fat would make them feel better about themselves. As well as the effect that excess fat has on aesthetics, it has an even bigger effect on health. And not in a...
Importance of Magnesium as a Supplement To do X, your body may need substance Y. Substance Y may only be derived from substance Z. But to turn substance Z into substance Y, you will need certain vitamins and minerals. For example, say you need a certain amount of...
Is your Thyroid working for or against you? It’s a mind-boggling thought that our body functions in ways we don’t even know about. We tend to take eating, breathing, sleeping, pooping and hormonal function like your thyroid for granted. We don’t give much of a thought...
Written by Zoe Knight Deep down, a lot of us think that being lean will make us happy. When we look in the mirror we think that losing the extra belly fat, and firming up those buns and thighs will solve all the problems that we seemingly have. We also seem to think...