Woman hold fat differently to men. It’s a fact. I mean, how often do you see a man with an exaggerated hourglass figure? That’s because men and woman hold fat for different reasons. Ultimately, the aim of the game in the game of life, is reproduction. And the...
HOW TO BUILD AN IMPRESSIVE SET OF GLUTES? There have been no songs written about small flat bottoms, and for good reason. It’s because it takes a nice set of big round glutes to get the world singing. To work your glutes effectively, you first must understand how they...
One of the most important things we focus on at OBF is detail Constantly focusing on the big picture can sometimes cause people to lose focus on the small accomplishments they’re making on a daily and weekly basis. We all have goals, big and small…but...
The follow-up to our Secret Cellulite Fat Loss Tactics blog. How to get rid of cellulite? In our recent blog on how to get rid of cellulite, we cover the basics like what cellulite actually is, how it’s caused and what to do about it. Cellulite can be an...
Let’s Talk Cellulite It’s damn ugly. And it’s damn hard to get rid of. The unfortunate truth is that even if you’ve done pretty well with dieting and weight loss so far, cellulite can be nearly impossible to shift. It’s not fair. You put in all the hard work...
As you know now from reading our recent blog on insulin sensitivity, Insulin is a hormone that’s secreted by your pancreas, and that insulin has many vital roles within the body, but the one it’s probably best known for its storage. In our video above, we go over...
Let’s talk about insulin sensitivity Insulin is a hormone that’s secreted by your pancreas. Insulin has many vital roles within the body, but the one it’s probably best known for is storage. This is a bit of a double edged sword, as, on one hand, this can be highly...
Still wondering about peri-workout nutrition? What is it? Is it what you eat before, after or even DURING your workouts? Click our Monday blog on Perfection Peri-Workout Nutrition to learn more! In this complex world of macros and micros, high-carb vs. low-carb, fat...
In this complex world of macros and micros, high-carb vs. low-carb, fat loading diets, Paleo plans and gluten-, grain- and dairy-free, it can be easy to overlook certain fundamental factors in your nutrition. One such prime example is nutrient timing Also known as...
How to have a cheat meal to improve body composition In our previous blog How to Cheat On Your Diet, we go through the details of how to have a cheat meal and why YOU should ACTUALLY consider doing it. This video should help give you a bit more of a detailed...