Written by Zoe Knight They say the gut is our second brain, yet the more it is studied, and the more we learn about it, the more I am convinced it is equally as powerful, and just as advanced as the brain itself… We’ve all experienced gut instinct, or that gut...
When you hear the word inflammation, you probably think of the pain, swelling, redness, and heat that we are all familiar with in relation to inflammation. For example, when you twist an ankle, get a cut or a bruise, have an allergic reaction, or even when you get...
In 1992, Canada created and released ‘Canada’s Food Guide to Healthy Eating’. Although it wasn’t the first of its kind or concept, it was this guideline that kick-started, fueled, and continues to fuel (amongst other things) the obesity and diabetes epidemic. By...
Written by Zoe Knight Last week we differentiated between what it means to know a fact, and what it means to understand a fact (if you missed the article, you can read it HERE) What’s up with the industry? Because the fitness industry is saturated with trainers...
Written by Zoe Knight There is so much information in the health and fitness industry that it becomes hard to distinguish right from wrong, fact from fiction, and safe from just downright dangerous. But how do you determine which is which? The health and fitness...
Written by Zoe Knight You see them everywhere – 12 week challenges, 8 week challenges, 6 week challenges, 28 day challenges. But if these aren’t structured or executed right, they can sometimes be more detrimental to your health than beneficial. Read below to get...
Written by Zoe Knight There is an excellent concept created by Dr. Libby Weaver that we at OBF feel every modern-day woman should know about. It’s the concept of ‘Rushing Woman Syndrome’ and you need to know how it’s more than likely affecting you. Rushing Woman...
Old Normal vs. New Normal Over the last couple of centuries, our lifestyles have changed at an alarming rate. With the introduction of technology and machinery to make our lives easier, we all reap the rewards of less labor and an abundance of readily available foods....
The quest for a bigger booty is one that has captured the hearts of women and the eyes of men in gyms across the globe. Booty Building is a trend that seems to have really taken off over the last few years and (thankfully) it seems like one that’s going to become a...
As you walk through the doors, stomach jumping, heart in your throat, and palms a little clammy, you swallow with a nervous excitement. You can’t believe you mustered the guts to go through with this. While the door swings shut behind you, you’re met with a euphoric...