How do you stoke the metabolic fire? Should you take green tea extract capsules? Should you eat 6 meals a day? Should you avoid food after 7 pm? Should you eat 500 calories a day to jump-start fat loss? Here is the truth to set you free of your metabolism demons! Myth...
Your screen time may cause you cancer A recent study published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives found an increase in breast and prostate cancer for those with higher exposure to artificial light at night. Specifically, light on the blue spectrum. The...
A food craving (also called selective hunger) is an intense desire to consume a specific food, and is different from normal hunger. What are emotional food cravings? Many of us turn to food to relieve stress or cope with unpleasant emotions such as sadness,...
Do you enjoy a glass of red wine alcohol(or two or three) with dinner? How about a few beers on weekends? Isn’t red wine good for you? Isn’t resveratrol anti-aging and good for the heart? A recent study published in the Lancet reported that anything over 100g...
Is your previous staple diet of cold pizza after a night of a few too many drinks no longer maintaining the six-pack of your dreams? Did the freshman fifteen from your twenties turn into the dirty thirty? Do you feel like it’s impossible to lose weight now? With these...
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the number 1 cause of premature death! A recent systematic review found an association between eating berries and a reduction in total cholesterol, low density lipids (LDL), triglycerides and blood pressure and an increase in heart...
Do you find yourself repeatedly reaching into the fridge even after a hearty meal? Feeling constantly hungry? Before you dive into that ice cream in the freezer there is one question that will save you from overeating. The question is: How much water have I had today?...
Does one or more of the following scenarios sound familiar to you? You have no energy to train. You can train hard, but need several days to recover. You train regularly, but you’re getting absolutely nowhere with your goals. Your thyroid may be an issue! Signs of low...
How Much Protein Do You REALLY Need in a Single Meal to Build Muscle? Broscience has told us the optimal amount of protein in a meal to build muscle is 20-25 grams. After that, it adds to fat gain instead of muscle gain. But is that true? The problem with the...
Protein (PRO)! Getting strong and lean involves two main ingredients: working out and eating well. But, the number one thing you should be eating more of if you want to maximize your results is protein. A recent study of compared low protein (0.9g/kg/day) and...