Have you noticed how much time you are spending commuting, desk-bound or sitting on the sofa drinking wine? Maybe you’ve noticed your parents aging and thought you would like to age differently. Perhaps you’ve noticed yourself aging and have started to think about the...
How many hours a day do you spend sitting or lying down? Are you doing any light activity like walking? What about intense exercise like resistance training or sprinting? Well, have you heard the news? Physical inactivity is one of the leading threats to health!...
True or False: It’s not safe to exercise in pregnancy. True or False: It’s not safe to start exercising in pregnancy if you never exercised before. True or False: Pregnant women should only take part in low-intensity exercise. New research says False Most...
Does your personal trainer focus on form in the gym and leave out advice on the other 23 hours of your day? Have you tried the 21 soup day diet, 7 day veggie diet, 48 hour cleanse, 1 hour fast? Are you confused about whether to go with high fat, low carb or high...
Have you seen the videos of seniors in their 80s who can do more pull-ups than? Even though they only picked up weight training in their 70s? These senior warriors have beaten Sarcopenia! Sarcopenia sounds like the name of a fictitious villain, but it is real! ...
Do you love working out, but hate the soreness that comes with it? What if you could take a simple 1 ingredient dietary supplement that would decrease soreness and recovery time? Sound too good to be true? A study examined the effect of a single amino acid on soreness...
Are you hoping to improve your physique? Does it matter how much protein you eat? Does it matter if you wait until your next milestone birthday before finally stepping into the weight room? A recent study answered the question: What is the relationship between total...
Fitbits are a popular wearable health technology. They promise to give you real time data to keep you motivated to improve your health. You can keep track of your activity, exercise, food, weight and sleep. But how accurate are they and should you get one? A recent...
You’ve made it through another intense work-out! Pat yourself on the back and strut to the change room! The best part of your training program is next- Rest and recovery! Don’t leave out this important step between strength sessions! Read on to learn about the 4...
Ever feel stressed and reach for ice cream? Find yourself grabbing a whole sleeve of cookies after a fight? Do you swear you’re eating the same amount as usual, but blame your weight gain on a major life change? Stop blaming stress – instead blame your fork! You...